Homelab (2024)

Services and equipment I run. The plan is to keep this up to date.

Shiori bookmark manager

For years, I relied on the built-in bookmark managers of my web browsers. It was convenient, sure, but it always felt a little…off. My bookmarks were scattered across different browsers, and there was a constant nagging feeling that they weren’t truly mine.

Cloudflare mailing list

I have used Google Domains for the past five years or so. One of the weirdest things about their email service was that if you wanted a mailing list you had to set up a Google Group. When Google Domains decided to shut down I made the jump to Cloudflare. At the time you could not set up mailing lists with Cloudflare, so I just forwarded the email address to that same Google Group. Recently Cloudflare introduced Email Workers, which I found could do what I needed of a mailing list.

NGINX reverse proxy for public services

I run a few services inside my homelab, and most of those services have no business on the internet. I recently set up a couple that I did want to make available externally. I knew I didn’t want to just open up a port directly to the service, and my tailnet would not do the trick for these particular services. Reverse proxy is where I landed. This way I can open port 443 and serve all of the services I need.

Mount PVC with ZFS

I have always been a fan of having my Kubernetes data easily accessible using a host path, along with a share so that I could access those host paths. Come to find out, that is not considered best practice. Mostly due to permission issues that can arise maintaining the container files along with the share itself. To fix this I am moving to using a PVC (Persistent Volume Claim). This is my process for TrueNAS. The k3s/kubectl/zfs commands should be usable for other distros and Kubernetes setups.